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Thank you, Massir. I was reading the news last night about the censorship and I was wondering what I could do. It's a bizarre form of censorship, too, when bloggers can continue to blog, but their posts just aren't visible in their own country.

I will participate, but I'm wondering if anyone has written an article explaining the background of the story, so I can pass it on to my readers? And is there a complete list anywhere of censored blogs? I know for example that Mouwaten Tounsi has been blocked for over a month, because he says so. Are there others?

I guess you were right that I'm too optimistic. And the problem is, that Europeans who go to Tunisia for the beach don't know anything about that side of Tunisia! To them it looks free and "Westernized." If they knew, maybe they would spend their money in a freer country until things change....

Do you know about this link below? A Moroccan friend told me about it. I don't need it but you might try it yourself it and see if it works....


je comprend pas cette histoire de censure...?

Mouwaten Tounsi

Moi je participe et j'invite tout les bloggueurs à faire pareil même s'ils trouvent le geste insuffisant.


merci pour les infos et bravo pour l'action.De tout coeur avec vous.. meme en retard

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